Sahaj State in Scientific Light Part 2
This is the final part of the translation started last week from 'Gurbani & Science'
A. Gurbani Recitation or Kirtan:
Just as introversion of conciousness and its control form helpful means of Naam-practice, similarly to keep Naam -practice o the ascension, Gurbani recitation and singing are the most efficacious measures. Suggested practices are more for practical application rather than mere intellectual understanding. Imbibing Amrit initiates our orientation towards Gurbani, being recited or sung. Gurbani acts like a magnet to attract our conciousness. This, however does not hold true for those, who have yet to imbibe Amrit or if the Chose Five Beloved Ones for administering Amrit included one or more persons not quite suitable in their spirituality, lacking in bringing about the desired change among the initiated ones. When the real change does take place with Amrit imbibing, Naam-Simran is forceful and automatic. Again if extraneous words are mixed with Gurbani, then also the afore said magnetic effect of Gurbani is lost. The ascendancy of the spirit with Naam-practice is slowed down due to this setback. However, resumption of True and undiluted Gurbani (Akhand) recitation and Kirtan, restores the original rising spirit. That is why Panthic Code prohibits Gurbani being mixed with extraneous words.
Gurbani recitation and Kirtan have two different objectives; one is, when we want to comprehend the exact guidance of Gurbani. This requires full use of intellectual faculty to grasp the true meaning. The other purpose is to have the help of Gurbani for ascendancy of the spirit in Naam-practice. The requirement in this case is mere listening, without intellectual exercise to discern the meaning. Possibly, some Gurmukhs may not quite agree with this view. To clarify the point, let us keep in mind the purpose of Naam-Simran, attaining spirituality of Sahaj. As discussed, Sahaj State is related to Alpha state of our brain, with operating frequency 8 to 13 Hz. The right side, Feeler brain alone functions. When we resort to thinking the left side Thinker brain starts functioning. The brain frequency suddenly rises to 14-26Hz of Beta state. Thus, we lose Sahaj state corresponding to Alpha state. It should now be clear that with the objective of ascendancy of spirit in Naam-practice recitation and Kirtan are just listened to, without thinking i.e., functioning of Feeler brain only. The frequency drops between 13 to 8 Hz. Our earth frequency is 8 Hz. We are therefore in harmony with nature in Sahaj state, while just listening to Gurbani recitation or Kirtan in Bliss.
B. The Form of Guru:
'Contemplate Guru's Being in mind.'
There is quite a bit of confusion on this topic. Commonly, those dwelling in confusion, take pictures as "Guru Ki Moorat". Keeping a picture infront of them, they try to concentrate their mind on it. Some enthusiasts get the pictures beautifully framed and decorate with garlands. Placing this picture on the best spot in their house, they keep bowing before this, praying and asking favour. Touching the glass of the frame, they put the hand on their head for holy dust of the Guru.
Once I visited a young friend. Bhai Sahib Madan Singh Ji from Birmingham was also with me. The young man eagerly told us, "Sir, we have brought homr the physical presence of Maharaj Sahib." We thought he was referring to Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We also requested for the holy sight. He opened the door of a room and allowed us to behold the holy sight. To our surprise, it was an attractive picture of Guru Nanak, framed beautifully. Many flowers were offered and a garland was hanging on the frame. Such is my personal experience. God knows, how many more are worshipping similar Gurus. This undesirable practice has spread like an epidemic in recent times. If not checked a time it may not be far off when Sikh Panth will have many idol worshippers rather than all believers in One Formless Being of our Original Faith!
On the topic of Guru and Satguru, much has been discussed in the chapter on 'Supernatural Power of Amrit'. We need to broach the topic again, to conclude on 'Guru Ki Moorat'. Says Guru Gobind Singh Ji,
'The One Deity from beginning till the very end, Eternal Being, Alone is to be taken as my Guru' [Benti Chopai]
Thus Eternal, Formless Being, alone is our Guru. The Formless Being has no mark or line, form or hue or garb. There is no parallel to Him for comparison. It was the Formless Being, manifesting in human form, Guur Nanak and all his successcors including Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, The Shabad Guru, Eternal Being. Says Bhai Gurdas Ji:
'Praising WAHEGURU involved uttering Gur-Shabad.' [Var 9/13]
'Bestowed with Gur-Shabad, WAHEGURU, silently drink of this Cup of Divine-Love' [Var 4/17]
The above quotes briefly convey importance of the Guru and that Guru bestows a mortal with Naam and this prepares the way for his redemption. Guru's Being is eternal and formless. Formless Being manifests into the Form of Guru Nanak. Says Bhai Gurdas Ji:
'Par Brahm (Limitless Supreme Being) is Complete Brahm as Guru Nanak' [Var 13/25]
Guru Nanak, Limitless Supreme Being, Complete Brahm has expressed his own three forms: Nirgun (Formless-being), Sargun (Light or manifesting being), and Gur-Shabad (Sound "WAHEGURU"). It is important to clearly understand that Limitless Being is a relity and so are the three different expressions: Formless being, divine light and the sound "WAHEGURU". "WAHEGURU" Gur-Shabad, and Naam is reality and the source of all creation. Just as clouds, water and ice are all one reality in three forms and all are real, similarly Three versions of Supreme Being are Reality. The conclusion is that WAHEGURU sound is a being and reality rather than imagines nothingness.
The word 'moorat' has been translated by Professor Sahib Singh as a being or form. The other application of moorat is as a unit of time. To comprehend Guru's Moorat in mind, implies that we have to keep the being of Guru in mind, while engaged in Simran. Gur-Moorat is Gur-Shabad that is sound of Gur-Shabad, WAHEGURU. By no stretch of imagination could it be an idol of clay or stone or a picture on paper. Thus, we have to concentrate on the Sound of the word 'WAHEGURU'.
C. Contemplation:
This is another delicate topic and needs careful attention. Concentration of conciousness in something is called 'Dhiaan' or contemplation. The first requirement for contemplation is the presence of a being or form. Secondly we must be knowledgeable about it. How can we contemplate about an unknown being or form? Albert Einstein, the famous Scientist has defined knowledge as experience. Everything else is information. To gain knowledge, we utilise our five sense organs, giving us the experience of form, flavour, smell, sensation of touch and hearing of sound. Whenever our conciousness is concentrates on something known, it constitutes contemplation of that object. We are more likely to focus Dhiaan on a known object. It is not possible to contemplate on the unknown. Let us say we are hit on our back with a rod. We have neither seen the rod nor the hitting person, yet our conciousness or Dhiaan gets focused on the painful spot. Our Conciousness or Dhiaaan is thus focused at the spot of experienced pain. Here is another example. We just had a tasty meal. Our conciousness is still attached to the flavour, though it is not a visible object, yet Dhiaan gets focused. We happened to smell a nice fragrant flower. We have returned from the garden, yet Dhiaan persists on the fragrance. We had a visit to the hills to enjoy the natural sight. Our consciousness still recalls the beautiful sight. We played a record of a song by Rafi and Lata Mangeshkar and moved by the enchanting music, we are still humming the tune to ourselves. Why? Dhiaan is fixed on the played music.
Out of Nirgun, Sargun and Gur-Shabad, sound of the word WAHEGURU is the third form or moorat of the limitless being. This fact is acknowledged by the quote: 'Gur-moorat is Gur-Shabad.' To contemplate Gur-Moorat in our mind and 'Yoking consciousness to Shabad is crossed the horrid ocean of worldlness' is the secret Gurmat tenet.
'Sargun, Nirgun Nirankar, Meditation Thought free, are all the forms of Par Brahm (Limitless being).' [290]
The above slok in Sukhmani Sahib Gurbani refers to four forms of the Akal Purkh (timeless being). The fourth being is 'Sunn Smadhi' (Thought-free Meditation). It had been discussed that at the stage of contemplation or meditation. Both meditator and meditation disappear, and then left being is the Meditated Being only. Contemplated is Shabad, sound 'WAHEGURU' that now remains. This is 'Sunn Smadhi', Fourth Form of the Reality.
'Thy Naam, O'Lord is Thy Formless Being.' [465]
This quote reaffirms The Sound as another Form of the Formless Being, Bhai Gurdas Ji in Var 26/2 says:
'The formless Being NIRANKAR manifested in the form known as EKONKAR. From EKONKAR to Shabad sound, is yet another form'
This is yet another reaffirmation of the same view. In the light of so many quoets no doubt should be left that 'Gur-Moorat' is Gur-Shabad. I am reminded of yet another prevalent doubt. Some devotees contemplate the letters, during Naam-Simran. If these letters constitute Gur-Moorat, then WAHEGURU written in the letters of another script, like English, Hindi or Urdu will constitute a different form of 'Gur-Moorat'. However, 'Gur-Moorat' is not the letter used, but the sound of the word, Gur-Shabad 'WAHEGURU'. We must remember that Moorat is a being and not an idol or a picture. Timeless being is not a person, but energy. Thus, the quote:
'Naam constitutes planets and the Universe'
'WAHEGURU' sound, Naam constitutes regions and the Unoverse. Thus Naam is a reality, Energy. The Scientific theory is that 'something cannot be created from nothing'.
While Vedant, Hath yoga and Jap Yoga, etc. devised their own means to envision the soul being. Gurmat also adopted the unique way of 'Surat-Shabad' (linking consciousness with Shabad). This has been discussed above in brief. Hindus believe soul being is the Brahm and visioning soul being is thus believed to be beholding of Parm-atma, the Super Soul and the final destination. Thus made is the declaration: 'I am the Brahm'. All further quests are ended for them. However, the Super Soul is not yet visioned. Merger into Super Soul is still to be attained and the journey of soul being is incomplete. The final Bliss and redemption is not attained, The Worldly mortals remain unfulfilled in their life objective or Realising Parm-atma and Eternal Bliss!
~~~~~Next Weeks article 'Gyaan'~~~~~
A. Gurbani Recitation or Kirtan:
Just as introversion of conciousness and its control form helpful means of Naam-practice, similarly to keep Naam -practice o the ascension, Gurbani recitation and singing are the most efficacious measures. Suggested practices are more for practical application rather than mere intellectual understanding. Imbibing Amrit initiates our orientation towards Gurbani, being recited or sung. Gurbani acts like a magnet to attract our conciousness. This, however does not hold true for those, who have yet to imbibe Amrit or if the Chose Five Beloved Ones for administering Amrit included one or more persons not quite suitable in their spirituality, lacking in bringing about the desired change among the initiated ones. When the real change does take place with Amrit imbibing, Naam-Simran is forceful and automatic. Again if extraneous words are mixed with Gurbani, then also the afore said magnetic effect of Gurbani is lost. The ascendancy of the spirit with Naam-practice is slowed down due to this setback. However, resumption of True and undiluted Gurbani (Akhand) recitation and Kirtan, restores the original rising spirit. That is why Panthic Code prohibits Gurbani being mixed with extraneous words.
Gurbani recitation and Kirtan have two different objectives; one is, when we want to comprehend the exact guidance of Gurbani. This requires full use of intellectual faculty to grasp the true meaning. The other purpose is to have the help of Gurbani for ascendancy of the spirit in Naam-practice. The requirement in this case is mere listening, without intellectual exercise to discern the meaning. Possibly, some Gurmukhs may not quite agree with this view. To clarify the point, let us keep in mind the purpose of Naam-Simran, attaining spirituality of Sahaj. As discussed, Sahaj State is related to Alpha state of our brain, with operating frequency 8 to 13 Hz. The right side, Feeler brain alone functions. When we resort to thinking the left side Thinker brain starts functioning. The brain frequency suddenly rises to 14-26Hz of Beta state. Thus, we lose Sahaj state corresponding to Alpha state. It should now be clear that with the objective of ascendancy of spirit in Naam-practice recitation and Kirtan are just listened to, without thinking i.e., functioning of Feeler brain only. The frequency drops between 13 to 8 Hz. Our earth frequency is 8 Hz. We are therefore in harmony with nature in Sahaj state, while just listening to Gurbani recitation or Kirtan in Bliss.
B. The Form of Guru:
'Contemplate Guru's Being in mind.'
There is quite a bit of confusion on this topic. Commonly, those dwelling in confusion, take pictures as "Guru Ki Moorat". Keeping a picture infront of them, they try to concentrate their mind on it. Some enthusiasts get the pictures beautifully framed and decorate with garlands. Placing this picture on the best spot in their house, they keep bowing before this, praying and asking favour. Touching the glass of the frame, they put the hand on their head for holy dust of the Guru.
Once I visited a young friend. Bhai Sahib Madan Singh Ji from Birmingham was also with me. The young man eagerly told us, "Sir, we have brought homr the physical presence of Maharaj Sahib." We thought he was referring to Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We also requested for the holy sight. He opened the door of a room and allowed us to behold the holy sight. To our surprise, it was an attractive picture of Guru Nanak, framed beautifully. Many flowers were offered and a garland was hanging on the frame. Such is my personal experience. God knows, how many more are worshipping similar Gurus. This undesirable practice has spread like an epidemic in recent times. If not checked a time it may not be far off when Sikh Panth will have many idol worshippers rather than all believers in One Formless Being of our Original Faith!
On the topic of Guru and Satguru, much has been discussed in the chapter on 'Supernatural Power of Amrit'. We need to broach the topic again, to conclude on 'Guru Ki Moorat'. Says Guru Gobind Singh Ji,
'The One Deity from beginning till the very end, Eternal Being, Alone is to be taken as my Guru' [Benti Chopai]
Thus Eternal, Formless Being, alone is our Guru. The Formless Being has no mark or line, form or hue or garb. There is no parallel to Him for comparison. It was the Formless Being, manifesting in human form, Guur Nanak and all his successcors including Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, The Shabad Guru, Eternal Being. Says Bhai Gurdas Ji:
'Praising WAHEGURU involved uttering Gur-Shabad.' [Var 9/13]
'Bestowed with Gur-Shabad, WAHEGURU, silently drink of this Cup of Divine-Love' [Var 4/17]
The above quotes briefly convey importance of the Guru and that Guru bestows a mortal with Naam and this prepares the way for his redemption. Guru's Being is eternal and formless. Formless Being manifests into the Form of Guru Nanak. Says Bhai Gurdas Ji:
'Par Brahm (Limitless Supreme Being) is Complete Brahm as Guru Nanak' [Var 13/25]
Guru Nanak, Limitless Supreme Being, Complete Brahm has expressed his own three forms: Nirgun (Formless-being), Sargun (Light or manifesting being), and Gur-Shabad (Sound "WAHEGURU"). It is important to clearly understand that Limitless Being is a relity and so are the three different expressions: Formless being, divine light and the sound "WAHEGURU". "WAHEGURU" Gur-Shabad, and Naam is reality and the source of all creation. Just as clouds, water and ice are all one reality in three forms and all are real, similarly Three versions of Supreme Being are Reality. The conclusion is that WAHEGURU sound is a being and reality rather than imagines nothingness.
The word 'moorat' has been translated by Professor Sahib Singh as a being or form. The other application of moorat is as a unit of time. To comprehend Guru's Moorat in mind, implies that we have to keep the being of Guru in mind, while engaged in Simran. Gur-Moorat is Gur-Shabad that is sound of Gur-Shabad, WAHEGURU. By no stretch of imagination could it be an idol of clay or stone or a picture on paper. Thus, we have to concentrate on the Sound of the word 'WAHEGURU'.
C. Contemplation:
This is another delicate topic and needs careful attention. Concentration of conciousness in something is called 'Dhiaan' or contemplation. The first requirement for contemplation is the presence of a being or form. Secondly we must be knowledgeable about it. How can we contemplate about an unknown being or form? Albert Einstein, the famous Scientist has defined knowledge as experience. Everything else is information. To gain knowledge, we utilise our five sense organs, giving us the experience of form, flavour, smell, sensation of touch and hearing of sound. Whenever our conciousness is concentrates on something known, it constitutes contemplation of that object. We are more likely to focus Dhiaan on a known object. It is not possible to contemplate on the unknown. Let us say we are hit on our back with a rod. We have neither seen the rod nor the hitting person, yet our conciousness or Dhiaan gets focused on the painful spot. Our Conciousness or Dhiaaan is thus focused at the spot of experienced pain. Here is another example. We just had a tasty meal. Our conciousness is still attached to the flavour, though it is not a visible object, yet Dhiaan gets focused. We happened to smell a nice fragrant flower. We have returned from the garden, yet Dhiaan persists on the fragrance. We had a visit to the hills to enjoy the natural sight. Our consciousness still recalls the beautiful sight. We played a record of a song by Rafi and Lata Mangeshkar and moved by the enchanting music, we are still humming the tune to ourselves. Why? Dhiaan is fixed on the played music.
Out of Nirgun, Sargun and Gur-Shabad, sound of the word WAHEGURU is the third form or moorat of the limitless being. This fact is acknowledged by the quote: 'Gur-moorat is Gur-Shabad.' To contemplate Gur-Moorat in our mind and 'Yoking consciousness to Shabad is crossed the horrid ocean of worldlness' is the secret Gurmat tenet.
'Sargun, Nirgun Nirankar, Meditation Thought free, are all the forms of Par Brahm (Limitless being).' [290]
The above slok in Sukhmani Sahib Gurbani refers to four forms of the Akal Purkh (timeless being). The fourth being is 'Sunn Smadhi' (Thought-free Meditation). It had been discussed that at the stage of contemplation or meditation. Both meditator and meditation disappear, and then left being is the Meditated Being only. Contemplated is Shabad, sound 'WAHEGURU' that now remains. This is 'Sunn Smadhi', Fourth Form of the Reality.
'Thy Naam, O'Lord is Thy Formless Being.' [465]
This quote reaffirms The Sound as another Form of the Formless Being, Bhai Gurdas Ji in Var 26/2 says:
'The formless Being NIRANKAR manifested in the form known as EKONKAR. From EKONKAR to Shabad sound, is yet another form'
This is yet another reaffirmation of the same view. In the light of so many quoets no doubt should be left that 'Gur-Moorat' is Gur-Shabad. I am reminded of yet another prevalent doubt. Some devotees contemplate the letters, during Naam-Simran. If these letters constitute Gur-Moorat, then WAHEGURU written in the letters of another script, like English, Hindi or Urdu will constitute a different form of 'Gur-Moorat'. However, 'Gur-Moorat' is not the letter used, but the sound of the word, Gur-Shabad 'WAHEGURU'. We must remember that Moorat is a being and not an idol or a picture. Timeless being is not a person, but energy. Thus, the quote:
'Naam constitutes planets and the Universe'
'WAHEGURU' sound, Naam constitutes regions and the Unoverse. Thus Naam is a reality, Energy. The Scientific theory is that 'something cannot be created from nothing'.
While Vedant, Hath yoga and Jap Yoga, etc. devised their own means to envision the soul being. Gurmat also adopted the unique way of 'Surat-Shabad' (linking consciousness with Shabad). This has been discussed above in brief. Hindus believe soul being is the Brahm and visioning soul being is thus believed to be beholding of Parm-atma, the Super Soul and the final destination. Thus made is the declaration: 'I am the Brahm'. All further quests are ended for them. However, the Super Soul is not yet visioned. Merger into Super Soul is still to be attained and the journey of soul being is incomplete. The final Bliss and redemption is not attained, The Worldly mortals remain unfulfilled in their life objective or Realising Parm-atma and Eternal Bliss!
~~~~~Next Weeks article 'Gyaan'~~~~~
"In Alpha state, we are closest to Nature. However, we tend to lose ourselves in Natural Bliss and go down to Theta State. Sukhmani Sahib warns against this state of half asleep and 'remain alert and concious'."
From part 1.
Why are we supposed to remain alert and conscious? Could you expand on this?
We are supposed to remain alert and concious, because in this state we Jap Naam with much more Dhiaan (concentration), the Ras is also felt alot more.
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