Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A mistake

In a post last month Daas mentioned something at the end of the post about Bismaadhee. Daas said that the best time to go into the state of Bismaadhee is Amritvelaa. Daas begs the Sangat for forgiveness as this is not the case. Going into the state of Bismaadhee or Sukh Nindraa -Sleep of peace is tempting and we don't feel like coming out of it. After venturing further into the state of Bismaadhee, Daas has found that in our Amritvelaa Abhiyaas we should be fully concious and not delve in this state, because if we do then we will never make any progress in our Abhiyaas and will be stuck in the same position for years.

Therefore, in our Amritvelaa Abhiyaas, we should be concious of our meditation; however tempting it may be to go into certain states. We must also remember that we live a Gristhee Jeevan (householders life) and like we have a duty to Vaheguru, we also have a duty to humanity and our family. If we renunciate (Tyaag) everything just to go into Sukh Nindraa (Which is very tempting, you will know when you experience it) then it is fatal to our relationship with regards to family life and friends. It is our duty to spread the message of love to everyone regardless of religion, race, caste or creed. We should always aspire for higher and higher stages, then our aura becomes extraordinary. If you listen to Sant Singh Maskeens Kathaa, he has said that you will know when there is a BrahmGiaanee around you because you will be able to feel his presence from 12 miles! Such is the Aura, such is the love.


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